RallyTracks is a simplified version of the traditional trip computers as used in Rally cars all over the world. It is an application for your iPhone.
The application is a useful addition when driving a classic or modern vehicle during a rally with a roadbook based on symbols. What can you do with it?
- keep track of the current part of your roadbook.
- display totals of the current track.
- monitor average speed during a certain period or distance of the track.
- switch between kilometers and miles.
- view a completed track on a map.
- send a completed track through e-mail in gpx format.
In this application you will not be able to import gpx-files or other types of tracklogs created by others. The application is mainly build to make life easier during an amateur rally with a roadbook and of great value for use in cars which lack a speedometer with 100 meters (day)counter.
This application has been extensively tested to ensure it meets the regulations for trip computers. Be aware that gps-devices are not allowed in official rally-events.